Fundraising Resources


Your commitment to help support Cancer Care in Newfoundland and Labrador is so appreciated, but we know that raising the funds to get there doesn’t always feel easy. 

Getting started early and letting people know WHY you’re walking will go a long way towards hitting your goal. Plus, we’ve created a few tips and tools to help! Check out these handy resources below that will help you get started! 

Walkers Handbook  

The Swiftie Lottery in support of the Polka Dot Trot 2024!! 

Thanks to the support of WestJet we are pleased to offer our registered Polka Dot Trot participants an exciting tool to help you achieve your fundraising goal! 

When you take tickets from this lottery to sell, all funds raised by your sales will count towards your team's fundrsasing total on the Polka Dot Trot Website. 

Registered participants can take up to 100 tickets at a time to sell and must return all sold tickets and funds before they are able to request another 100 tickets to continue their sales. All participants who take tickets must return ALL sold and unsold tickets to the Cancer Care Foundation, along with the funds raised. You will be given an information and reconcilliation document with each bundle of tickets that you take.  

Registered participants can request tickets to sell by contacting Heidi Smith at


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